BNN Index | ABA | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
Washington Mutuals Pitching Leaders
History Home | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
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Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Team Pitching Single Season LeadersTeam Pitching Career Leaders
148 IP required for season rate statistics.500 IP required for career rate statistics.
ERA - Single Season
1.Paul Helton1.701974
2.Darren McGee1.901972
3.Darren McGee2.071973
4.Alex Brown2.291972
5.Bruno Panatta2.541960
6.Darren McGee2.661980
7.Darren McGee2.671977
8.Bruno Panatta2.691956
9.Darren McGee2.711971
10.Tom Ferguson2.721972
ERA - Career
1.Freddy Gibbons2.73606.2
2.Darren McGee2.943257.0
3.Tom Ferguson3.02994.2
4.Bruno Panatta3.294447.2
5.Stan Vance3.421763.1
6.Jeffrey Thomas3.53880.1
7.Philip Webb3.541196.0
8.Bruno Lefebvre3.571137.2
9.Paul Helton3.591923.2
10.Jason Lane3.601380.1
Wins - Single Season
1.Darren McGee231973
2.Bruno Panatta231953
3.Bruno Panatta231960
4.Bruno Panatta221956
5.Bruno Panatta221955
6.Darren McGee221980
7.Paul Helton221974
8.Nacho Ramos221956
9.Stan Vance211970
10.Roberto Gonzáles211967
Wins - Career
1.Bruno Panatta2674447.2
2.Darren McGee2053257.0
3.Roberto Gonzáles1342180.2
4.Paul Helton1121923.2
5.Stan Vance1041763.1
6.Ernest Dunn951849.0
7.Jason Lane781380.1
8.Patrick Hodge731073.2
9.Tom Ferguson71994.2
10.Philip Webb681196.0
Losses - Single Season
1.Darren McGee201975
2.Stan Vance201966
3.Nacho Ramos201957
4.Bruno Panatta191959
5.Bruno Panatta191958
6.Christian Calvert191973
7.Frank Hunt191980
8.Paul Helton191977
9.Ernest Dunn191964
10.Paul Helton191973
Losses - Career
1.Bruno Panatta2154447.2
2.Darren McGee1673257.0
3.Roberto Gonzáles1192180.2
4.Ernest Dunn1151849.0
5.Paul Helton1071923.2
6.Stan Vance951763.1
7.Jason Lane711380.1
8.Philip Webb631196.0
9.Patrick Hodge591073.2
10.Bruno Lefebvre591137.2
Winning Pct - Single Season
1.Roberto Gonzáles.8081967
2.Bruno Panatta.7671960
3.Paul Helton.7591974
4.Tom Ferguson.7241971
5.Bruno Lefebvre.7201965
6.Darren McGee.7101980
7.Stan Vance.7001970
8.Bruno Panatta.6971953
9.Darren McGee.6971973
10.Tom Ferguson.6961972
Winning Pct - Career
1.Tom Ferguson.689994.2
2.Glenn Loiselle.567963.0
3.Bruno Panatta.5544447.2
4.Patrick Hodge.5531073.2
5.Darren McGee.5513257.0
6.Nacho Ramos.5331069.2
7.Bruno Lefebvre.5321137.2
8.Roberto Gonzáles.5302180.2
9.Jason Lane.5231380.1
10.Stan Vance.5231763.1
Saves - Single Season
1.Manuel Patriarco341976
2.Willie O'Day311980
3.Willie O'Day301979
4.Willie O'Day281978
5.Manuel Patriarco271975
6.Curro Guerrero241962
7.Luis Mendeola201969
8.Katsumi Kanno201974
9.Curro Guerrero191967
10.Manuel Patriarco181977
Saves - Career
1.Willie O'Day97170.0
2.Bong-ok Ya93378.1
3.Curro Guerrero89407.1
4.Manuel Patriarco79136.2
5.Bill Plantagenet71451.1
6.Ben Peters63141.1
7.Freddy Gibbons50606.2
8.Luis Mendeola49375.2
9.Orsino Gabbiadini29302.1
10.Katsumi Kanno28156.0
Games Pitched - Single Season
1.Kakuei Takeuchi741951
2.Bruno Lefebvre671969
3.Freddy Gibbons641960
4.Bill Plantagenet631961
5.Curro Guerrero601965
6.Alfonso Morín591960
7.Curro Guerrero591966
8.Orsino Gabbiadini571966
9.Louis-Émile Landry571973
10.Freddy Gibbons561963
Games Pitched - Career
1.Bruno Panatta6444447.2
2.Darren McGee4403257.0
3.Roberto Gonzáles4102180.2
4.Freddy Gibbons338606.2
5.Bill Plantagenet318451.1
6.Curro Guerrero308407.1
7.Bruno Lefebvre3071137.2
8.Paul Helton3021923.2
9.Bong-ok Ya292378.1
10.Ernest Dunn2871849.0
Games Started - Single Season
1.Nacho Ramos401955
2.Jason Lane391959
3.Jason Lane391961
4.Jason Lane391963
5.Jeffrey Thomas391966
6.Bruno Panatta391961
7.Bruno Panatta391960
8.Bruno Lefebvre391965
9.Bruno Panatta391958
10.Bruno Panatta391957
Games Started - Career
1.Bruno Panatta5634447.2
2.Darren McGee4403257.0
3.Roberto Gonzáles3402180.2
4.Paul Helton2791923.2
5.Ernest Dunn2371849.0
6.Stan Vance2341763.1
7.Jason Lane2241380.1
8.Patrick Hodge1651073.2
9.Bruno Lefebvre1611137.2
10.Jeffrey Thomas152880.1
Complete Games - Single Season
1.Nacho Ramos251956
2.Bruno Panatta241955
3.Bruno Panatta231952
4.Bruno Panatta221958
5.Bruno Panatta221956
6.Ernest Dunn221964
7.Glenn Loiselle211953
8.Nacho Ramos201955
9.Bruno Panatta201957
10.Ernest Dunn191956
Complete Games - Career
1.Bruno Panatta2334447.2
2.Darren McGee1333257.0
3.Ernest Dunn1071849.0
4.Stan Vance1021763.1
5.Nacho Ramos631069.2
6.Glenn Loiselle52963.0
7.Philip Webb421196.0
8.Paul Helton361923.2
9.Roberto Gonzáles272180.2
10.Paul McCaslin27592.2
Shutouts - Single Season
1.Darren McGee71972
2.Darren McGee51973
3.Nacho Ramos51955
4.Darren McGee41980
5.Stan Vance31971
6.Bruno Panatta31962
7.Stan Vance31969
8.Glenn Loiselle31952
9.Paul McCaslin31952
10.Ernest Dunn31956
Shutouts - Career
1.Darren McGee313257.0
2.Bruno Panatta274447.2
3.Stan Vance181763.1
4.Ernest Dunn111849.0
5.Paul Helton101923.2
6.Nacho Ramos91069.2
7.Glenn Loiselle6963.0
8.Roberto Gonzáles52180.2
9.Philip Webb51196.0
10.Patrick Hodge41073.2
Innings Pitched - Single Season
1.Nacho Ramos3251956
2.Bruno Panatta3241956
3.Bruno Panatta3191953
4.Bruno Panatta3131957
5.Nacho Ramos3121955
6.Bruno Panatta3091958
7.Glenn Loiselle3071953
8.Bruno Panatta3071952
9.Glenn Loiselle3061952
10.Bruno Panatta3041961
Innings Pitched - Career
1.Bruno Panatta4447.24447.2
2.Darren McGee3257.03257.0
3.Roberto Gonzáles2180.22180.2
4.Paul Helton1923.21923.2
5.Ernest Dunn1849.01849.0
6.Stan Vance1763.11763.1
7.Jason Lane1380.11380.1
8.Philip Webb1196.01196.0
9.Bruno Lefebvre1137.21137.2
10.Patrick Hodge1073.21073.2
Hits Allowed - Single Season
1.Nacho Ramos3291955
2.Nacho Ramos3231957
3.Glenn Loiselle3101952
4.Darren McGee3011979
5.Bruno Panatta2981959
6.Bruno Panatta2901957
7.Philip Webb2891956
8.Bruno Panatta2881963
9.Nacho Ramos2851956
10.Philip Webb2851957
Hits Allowed - Career
1.Bruno Panatta41144447.2
2.Darren McGee30133257.0
3.Roberto Gonzáles20722180.2
4.Ernest Dunn20341849.0
5.Paul Helton18471923.2
6.Stan Vance17241763.1
7.Jason Lane14101380.1
8.Philip Webb11581196.0
9.Nacho Ramos11091069.2
10.Patrick Hodge10861073.2
Home Runs Allowed - Single Season
1.Ernest Dunn441964
2.Stan Vance421970
3.Jason Lane381959
4.Nacho Ramos381957
5.Stan Vance371969
6.Jason Lane371963
7.Christian Calvert331973
8.Stan Vance321971
9.Nacho Ramos321956
10.Stan Vance321966
Home Runs Allowed - Career
1.Bruno Panatta3394447.2
2.Ernest Dunn2141849.0
3.Darren McGee2113257.0
4.Stan Vance2001763.1
5.Paul Helton1811923.2
6.Roberto Gonzáles1692180.2
7.Jason Lane1601380.1
8.Bruno Lefebvre1361137.2
9.Nacho Ramos1161069.2
10.Philip Webb1011196.0
Walks Allowed - Single Season
1.Glenn Loiselle1671952
2.Bruno Panatta1531953
3.Ernest Dunn1431956
4.Glenn Loiselle1421953
5.Bruno Panatta1401956
6.Bruno Panatta1391954
7.Cris Cabral1371959
8.Bruno Panatta1341957
9.Patrick Hodge1311974
10.José Costa1291977
Walks Allowed - Career
1.Bruno Panatta16854447.2
2.Roberto Gonzáles10482180.2
3.Darren McGee9443257.0
4.Ernest Dunn7941849.0
5.Paul Helton5701923.2
6.Patrick Hodge4871073.2
7.Philip Webb4871196.0
8.Bruno Lefebvre4751137.2
9.Glenn Loiselle431963.0
10.Tom Ferguson428994.2
Walks per 9 IP - Single Season
1.Darren McGee1.41980
2.Stan Vance1.61971
3.Stan Vance1.61970
4.Jason Lane1.71964
5.Stan Vance1.71967
6.Stan Vance1.71968
7.Jason Lane1.71963
8.Stan Vance1.81969
9.Bruno Lefebvre1.91966
10.Nacho Ramos1.91956
Walks per 9 IP - Career
1.Stan Vance1.81763.1
2.Nacho Ramos2.11069.2
3.Jason Lane2.31380.1
4.Darren McGee2.63257.0
5.Paul Helton2.71923.2
6.Freddy Gibbons3.0606.2
7.Bruno Panatta3.44447.2
8.Philip Webb3.71196.0
9.Bruno Lefebvre3.81137.2
10.Jeffrey Thomas3.8880.1
Strikeouts - Single Season
1.Glenn Loiselle2261951
2.Bruno Panatta2101951
3.Tracy Powell2051967
4.Bruno Panatta2031953
5.Bruno Panatta1921956
6.Bruno Lefebvre1911964
7.Jeffrey Thomas1901966
8.Bruno Lefebvre1881965
9.Stan Vance1831966
10.Ernest Dunn1831964
Strikeouts - Career
1.Bruno Panatta25084447.2
2.Darren McGee17943257.0
3.Roberto Gonzáles11742180.2
4.Paul Helton11621923.2
5.Stan Vance10701763.1
6.Ernest Dunn10471849.0
7.Bruno Lefebvre9231137.2
8.Patrick Hodge7261073.2
9.Jeffrey Thomas722880.1
10.Jason Lane5941380.1
Strikeouts per 9 IP - Single Season
1.Tracy Powell8.31967
2.Jeffrey Thomas7.91969
3.Bruno Lefebvre7.91964
4.Glenn Loiselle7.91951
5.Bruno Lefebvre7.81966
6.Bruno Panatta7.61951
7.Jeffrey Thomas7.41966
8.Ernest Dunn7.41951
9.Jeffrey Thomas7.41967
10.Bruno Lefebvre7.11965
Strikeouts per 9 IP - Career
1.Tracy Powell8.4519.2
2.Jeffrey Thomas7.4880.1
3.Bruno Lefebvre7.31137.2
4.Patrick Hodge6.11073.2
5.Freddy Gibbons5.7606.2
6.Glenn Loiselle5.5963.0
7.Stan Vance5.51763.1
8.Paul Helton5.41923.2
9.Ernest Dunn5.11849.0
10.Bruno Panatta5.14447.2
K/BB - Single Season
1.Bruno Lefebvre4.141966
2.Stan Vance3.841971
3.Stan Vance3.481970
4.Darren McGee3.391980
5.Stan Vance3.281967
6.Stan Vance3.221969
7.Jason Lane2.971964
8.Glenn Loiselle2.901951
9.Paul Helton2.891974
10.Jeffrey Thomas2.811967
K/BB - Career
1.Stan Vance3.071763.1
2.Tracy Powell2.07519.2
3.Paul Helton2.041923.2
4.Jeffrey Thomas1.95880.1
5.Bruno Lefebvre1.941137.2
6.Freddy Gibbons1.93606.2
7.Darren McGee1.903257.0
8.Nacho Ramos1.751069.2
9.Jason Lane1.651380.1
10.Patrick Hodge1.491073.2
WHIP - Single Season
1.Paul Helton0.991974
2.Darren McGee1.051972
3.Darren McGee1.051973
4.Alex Brown1.081972
5.Darren McGee1.081980
6.Nacho Ramos1.091956
7.Stan Vance1.111968
8.Stan Vance1.131966
9.Tracy Powell1.131967
10.Bruno Lefebvre1.141964
WHIP - Career
1.Stan Vance1.181763.1
2.Darren McGee1.213257.0
3.Paul Helton1.261923.2
4.Nacho Ramos1.271069.2
5.Jason Lane1.281380.1
6.Tom Ferguson1.30994.2
7.Bruno Panatta1.304447.2
8.Bruno Lefebvre1.311137.2
9.Freddy Gibbons1.31606.2
10.Jeffrey Thomas1.31880.1
OAVG - Single Season
1.Paul Helton.2051974
2.Tracy Powell.2071967
3.Alex Brown.2121972
4.Darren McGee.2131972
5.Darren McGee.2181973
6.Bruno Lefebvre.2191964
7.Roberto Gonzáles.2211959
8.Tom Ferguson.2231972
9.Roberto Gonzáles.2241963
10.Darren McGee.2261971
OAVG - Career
1.Tom Ferguson.235994.2
2.Jeffrey Thomas.236880.1
3.Bruno Lefebvre.2381137.2
4.Tracy Powell.240519.2
5.Bruno Panatta.2454447.2
6.Darren McGee.2473257.0
7.Paul Helton.2521923.2
8.Roberto Gonzáles.2522180.2
9.Philip Webb.2541196.0
10.Freddy Gibbons.254606.2
OSLG - Single Season
1.Darren McGee.2791972
2.Alex Brown.2801972
3.Darren McGee.2801973
4.Paul Helton.3001974
5.Tom Ferguson.3021972
6.Roberto Gonzáles.3151967
7.Patrick Hodge.3161976
8.Darren McGee.3221971
9.Darren McGee.3271974
10.Tom Ferguson.3291973
OSLG - Career
1.Tom Ferguson.340994.2
2.Freddy Gibbons.343606.2
3.Darren McGee.3483257.0
4.Jeffrey Thomas.360880.1
5.Bruno Panatta.3614447.2
6.Roberto Gonzáles.3652180.2
7.Philip Webb.3761196.0
8.Patrick Hodge.3761073.2
9.Paul Helton.3811923.2
10.Bruno Lefebvre.3851137.2
OOPS - Single Season
1.Darren McGee.5481972
2.Darren McGee.5531973
3.Alex Brown.5541972
4.Paul Helton.5611974
5.Tom Ferguson.6011972
6.Darren McGee.6121971
7.Bruno Panatta.6271964
8.Tracy Powell.6281967
9.Darren McGee.6291980
10.Darren McGee.6311974
OOPS - Career
1.Darren McGee.6513257.0
2.Tom Ferguson.657994.2
3.Freddy Gibbons.660606.2
4.Jeffrey Thomas.676880.1
5.Bruno Panatta.6804447.2
6.Stan Vance.6851763.1
7.Paul Helton.6891923.2
8.Bruno Lefebvre.7001137.2
9.Philip Webb.7021196.0
10.Roberto Gonzáles.7032180.2
VORP - Single Season
1.Darren McGee87.91973
2.Bruno Panatta83.41956
3.Darren McGee79.71972
4.Paul Helton78.71974
5.Bruno Panatta76.91960
6.Darren McGee73.11977
7.Bruno Panatta71.91961
8.Nacho Ramos67.41956
9.Bruno Panatta66.31953
10.Darren McGee65.61980
VORP - Career
1.Bruno Panatta787.34447.2
2.Darren McGee647.13257.0
3.Paul Helton256.41923.2
4.Roberto Gonzáles220.42180.2
5.Stan Vance205.91763.1
6.Jason Lane195.51380.1
7.Philip Webb188.11196.0
8.Tom Ferguson178.2994.2
9.Nacho Ramos159.71069.2
10.Bruno Lefebvre134.51137.2

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