BNN Index | SCL | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
El Monte Gauchos (A)
Player Potential Ratings Report - Scouted by: OSA
Potential Batting Ratings
NameAgePosContactGapPowerEyeAvoid K's
Michael Alford23P44167
Sergio Bautista23RF53236
Gary Brackett18SS45124
Tim Cantrell20P1093411
Jeff Clay252B572510
Bob Cotton22CF1293108
Bill Cox27P292311
Héctor De Los Ángeles28P46136
Mario Flores19P68138
Melvin Forrest22P67327
Jesús González28C654714
Arinori Ito30P813498
Tom Larsen18RF68255
Nelson López211B87168
Fernando Martínez18LF121051412
Ray Montgomery18SS10146610
Roberto Montoya18P47126
Juan Ramos222B77276
Chris Ramsey19SS118178
Alan Reid27P45146
Juan Reyes22P6111410
Andrew Roberts19C74135
Javier Rodríguez22P67249
Leonard Sims25P1072415
Kevin Stroud20RF64118
Jorge Torres203B1094713
Edward Townsend202B1083611
Ramón Vásquez202B78147
Kevin Wagner192B91613118
Potential Pitching Ratings
Michael Alford23SP68785-87 Mph13
Tim Cantrell20SP912592-94 Mph12
Bill Cox27MR712689-90 Mph13
Héctor De Los Ángeles28MR86389-90 Mph17
Mario Flores19MR77786-88 Mph8
Melvin Forrest22MR76589-90 Mph9
Arinori Ito30SP1410592-94 Mph16
Roberto Montoya18CL69684-86 Mph10
Alan Reid27SP810690-92 Mph13
Juan Reyes22MR76790-92 Mph8
Javier Rodríguez22SP87789-90 Mph15
Leonard Sims25MR106889-90 Mph10

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