BNN Index | ABA | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
Detroit Bears
Team Salary
Júlio Rodríguez$950k
Matt Bennett$728k
Ramiro Gómez$701k
Bob Cummins$691k
Dave Day$664k
Gonzalo Ríos$621k
Fred Foster$603k
Manlio Coppola$602k
Jim Poole$558k
Shuncho Sakamoto$536k
Jesse Knight$499k
Jamie Holmes$451k
Will Clark$422k
George Kelley$378k
Will Pitts$372k
Dan Stephens$300k
Yugoro Nakashima$267k
Octávio López$262k
Chris Pearson$233k
Earl Quick$218k
Kerry Campbell$194k
Yeong-kil Yi$179k
Luis Francisco$170k
Sancho Villanueva$163k
Iván Morán$155k
Bob Holloway$147k
Joe Maynard$147k
Michael Mack$116k
Hsi-chuen Chu$97k
Bill Cook$97k
Nelson Limón$97k
Carl Nicholson$97k
Bruce Simmons$97k
Woody Yates$97k
Drew Moss$96k
Fernando Quiñones$96k
Fernando Hernández$95k
Henry Olson$95k
Sandy Pearson$95k
Freddie Shaw$95k
Dennis Sullivan$95k
Jorge Bocanegra$82k
Tim Cameron$82k
Enrique Martínez$82k
In-sin Yang$82k
José Ledezma$81k
Corentin Anne$65k
Marcos Aranda$65k
Vern Becker$65k
Juan González$65k
Rodney Vaughan$65k

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