BNN Index | ABA | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
American Baseball Association
Available Coaches
Pitching CoachBob Abbott580 
Pitching CoachEmílio Acosta595 
Hitting CoachStephen Alexander4411 
Hitting CoachBob Allen594 
Pitching CoachJames Allgood520 
Pitching CoachTommy Backstrom530 
Pitching CoachJosé Batista490 
Hitting CoachWill Beach640 
Hitting CoachPhil Beard480 
Team TrainerJeff Beck5717 
Pitching CoachMike Beck660 
Team TrainerBrendan Beers360 
Hitting CoachTerence Best5512 
Hitting CoachGeorge Bissett510 
General ManagerKyle Blake440 
Pitching CoachHugh Burke560 
ScoutBill Caldwell470 
Hitting CoachNorbert Callahan453 
Pitching CoachDennis Camp510 
Pitching CoachLuis Cardanas494 
Pitching CoachEd Carter440 
ManagerDerek Casey380 
Pitching CoachJosé Contreras500 
Pitching CoachCheh Cui549 
ScoutKyle Davis510 
Pitching CoachEric Evans520 
ManagerAlfredo Flores370 
Team TrainerEmílio García4711 
Hitting CoachGarry Gray400 
Pitching CoachÁlex Gutiérrez510 
Pitching CoachEd Ilderton460 
Pitching CoachDemy Immerrechts490 
Hitting CoachAaron Jennings400 
Hitting CoachMike Jensen500 
ScoutJuan Jiménez530 
Pitching CoachMichael Johnson450 
Pitching CoachLyle Lambert509 
Hitting CoachCliff MacFadden510 
Pitching CoachBuddy Marshall530 
Pitching CoachMichael McCain560 
Pitching CoachElliot McCaw560 
Pitching CoachDennis McCullough550 
Hitting CoachJack McDonald457 
Hitting CoachJosé Montoya500 
Pitching CoachPatrick Moore433 
Pitching CoachRod Mullins627 
Hitting CoachSergio Muñóz401 
Pitching CoachSimon Nguyen6026 
Pitching CoachMorton Nix480 
Pitching CoachBrody Norman570 
Hitting CoachMarvin O'Neylan500 
Pitching CoachBrian O'Reilly530 
Pitching CoachScott Owens483 
ScoutMichael Page5212 
Hitting CoachMichael Patrick520 
Pitching CoachRafael Pérez445 
Pitching CoachLuis Ramos550 
ManagerMark Rice430 
Hitting CoachRod Sanders576 
Hitting CoachStan Sanders440 
Team TrainerMasayuki Sato341 
Pitching CoachRick Schneider603 
Pitching CoachMark Simons510 
Pitching CoachMauro Soto507 
Hitting CoachHiroyuki Suzuki653 
ManagerPablo Trujillo410 
General ManagerGang-sheng Tso470 
ScoutStan Turner505 
General ManagerSergio Vélez500 
Pitching CoachBruce Walter495 
Pitching CoachBruce Washington500 
Pitching CoachDarrel Webb500 
Hitting CoachDave White380 
Pitching CoachCraig Williams462 
Hitting CoachSteve Williams540 
General ManagerJohn Wilson510 
ManagerMiguel Wood6015 
General ManagerCal Wright510 
Hitting CoachEd Yates608 
Team TrainerZhao-ying Yuen380 

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