BNN Index | SCL | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
Fullerton Wildcats History Team Stats 1976
History Home | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
CAL | CM | EM | FUL | HIA | HOW | LAG | LE | LOB | MNT | OXN | PAS | RIV | SAB | SNT | SMO | SOM | TYL | WHI | WOO
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers | Transaction Log | Injury Log
Record 49-71, .408 - Finish 8th - Runs Scored 399 - Runs Allowed 511
Team Batting Stats
- Juan Aguilera2234341049172131500725.
- Bryce Aguirre1736351351835300893121.
- Wayne Arthur18243223610032143.273.385.318.7030.7
-*Will Benjamin201717291500010014.
- Tim Bishop208010000000000.
- Len Bowling26806226035721125281222332.277.345.392.73714.1
-*Hank Brooks2566122110000022.
-#Tim Cameron191313340530030006.
- Vicente Cardona2381100000000001.
- Dave Collins24376162210031001.
- Dave Crane1718000000000000.
-*Bob Creagh21270212510120031.238.320.429.7490.9
- Pedro Domínguez21382110363615101100214.350.368.515.8829.7
- Javier Elizondo1911411338525942340281661764.244.277.325.6013.5
- Francisco García1828286338010000013.
-*Tom Hall223116334502012223.
- Wade Hayman1978301301531601151171225.238.302.308.610-1.6
- Gordon Henry2421000000000000.
- Jeff Hill25611511018400600135.353.484.431.9167.6
-#Alan Johnston2174164920231042.563.6501.0631.7127.9
- Diego Ledesma245000000000000.
- José Ledesma1788282400000241.
- Jerry Lewis2471461962143101519001838.219.292.357.6490.1
- Octávio Leyva2528131210010000.667.6671.0001.6671.0
- José López18696928228741003261632527.262.330.330.6608.0
-#Luis López2190752541839101116771137.
- Carlos Lucero1880682121954133524701329.255.301.415.7168.8
- Alberto Marrero22140143700031013.500.533.5001.0333.0
- Luis Martínez203776361620046239.
- Guy McKenzie2496803073171133430013746.231.310.332.643-6.9
-#Tony Miller1810033000000102.
-*Bryce Morse208709982321112031212.232.315.303.618-2.2
- Juan Quintana264000000000000.
- Adrián Rivas1715155751312174026.228.254.368.6230.9
- Orlando Rivera18313187714302900214.
-*António Rodríguez2024245551530040017.273.286.327.6133.0
-*Pedro Rodríguez21219182530030002.278.263.444.7081.6
- Al Rose239010000000000.
- Ben Ryan201919727163115831013.222.325.333.6592.0
- Tom Ryan253044161112030047.268.333.390.7240.5
-*Pancho Silva201028534826691922301343371.
- Freddie Smith205030000000000.
- Tom Smith227000000000000.
- Robert Thomason221000000000000.
- Okot Tindo24562396632015036.154.214.333.548-0.3
- Hugh Walker249010000000000.
- Lawrence Williams21211457413200301910.228.328.263.592-1.4
- Kevin Wilson2269199411305121634410.319.354.457.8117.3
- Yeong-kil Yi191141143394175929361173149.221.288.339.627-3.0
 Team Totals21.1181810804098399949186324837913559314621.232.288.328.61615.0
* - bats left-handed, # - switch hits, blank - bats right-handed
Team Pitching Stats
Will Benjamin20470.36417170104.09137543843.2010.3
Tim Bishop20010.00080110.213112839.28-7.0
Hank Brooks25320.60066042.24114216212.955.5
Tim Cameron19540.55613130101.26715229441.3333.0
Dave Collins24730.700376189.18741831414.13-1.4
Dave Crane17040.000180622.0249014113.680.9
Francisco García182170.10528280203.2181791199993.4912.8
*Tom Hall225110.31331164130.012740555552.7719.9
Gordon Henry24210.667210122.1271641096.45-6.8
Diego Ledesma24000.0005016.2311461.351.9
Octávio Leyva25150.167281139.24116424223.631.8
Juan Quintana26210.6674006.2510271.351.8
*António Rodríguez201390.59124240175.11726813781353.4911.2
Pedro Rodríguez21420.667219680.26117222441.9020.7
Al Rose23000.00090010.11671686.10-2.7
Tom Smith22030.0007026.11761548.53-3.7
Robert Thomason22000.0001002.0211034.50-0.1
Hugh Walker24000.00090011.0620831.643.2
Team Totals22.048700.407287120231065.0981381624545993.22101.3
* - throws left-handed, blank - throws right-handed
Pitcher Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Catcher Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
First Base Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Second Base Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Third Base Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Shortstop Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Left Field Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Center Field Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Right Field Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Team Batting Leaders
Batting AverageJavier Elizondo.244
On-Base PctYeong-kil Yi.288
Slugging PctYeong-kil Yi.339
OPSYeong-kil Yi.627
VORPLen Bowling14.1
GamesJavier Elizondo114
At-BatsJavier Elizondo385
RunsYeong-kil Yi41
HitsJavier Elizondo94
Total BasesJavier Elizondo125
SinglesJavier Elizondo67
DoublesJavier Elizondo23
TriplesJavier Elizondo4
Home RunsYeong-kil Yi9
RBIsYeong-kil Yi36
Stolen BasesJavier Elizondo16
Caught StealingWade Hayman7
WalksGuy McKenzie37
StrikeoutsPancho Silva71
Team Pitching Leaders
ERATom Hall2.77
WinsAntónio Rodríguez13
LossesFrancisco García17
Winning PctAntónio Rodríguez.591
SavesDave Crane6
Games PitchedDave Collins37
Games StartedFrancisco García28
Complete GamesTim Cameron6
ShutoutsTim Cameron2
Innings PitchedFrancisco García203.2
Hits AllowedFrancisco García181
Home Runs AllowedAntónio Rodríguez13
StrikeoutsAntónio Rodríguez135
Walks AllowedFrancisco García99
Walks per 9 IPTom Hall3.81
Hits per 9 IPFrancisco García8.00
Strikeouts per 9 IPAntónio Rodríguez6.93
WHIPFrancisco García1.37
OAVGFrancisco García0.235
OOBPFrancisco García0.323
OSLGFrancisco García0.330
OOPSFrancisco García0.653

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