BNN Index | SCL | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
Pasadena Titans History Team Stats 1968
History Home | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
CAL | CM | EM | FUL | HIA | HOW | LAG | LE | LOB | MNT | OXN | PAS | RIV | SAB | SNT | SMO | SOM | TYL | WHI | WOO
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers | Transaction Log | Injury Log
Record 49-71, .408 - Finish 9th - Runs Scored 349 - Runs Allowed 416
Team Batting Stats
-#Andy Allen282020000000001.
- Butch Allen2549046713116180055.283.352.7391.0918.1
-*Juan Alonso206018108826610521320.241.265.315.5800.5
- Sam Boone32175283820130037.286.355.464.8192.3
-#Justin Burman2093923293888181322984861.267.366.356.72212.6
- Connor Carter1718185361032042039.189.241.321.562-0.6
- Jorge Castro2349491892549121221831944.259.324.365.6898.9
- Isaac Cramer261010000000000.
- António Díaz3210111010000001.0001.0003.0004.0000.0
- Miguel Angel Díaz25376324600020024.
-*Chris Downey1910000000000000.
-*Woody Fitzpatrick226206851731271189.250.338.412.7493.2
- Pedro Fontanez371120100000010.500.750.5001.2500.9
-*Kris Fountain331010000000000.
- Tadayuki Fujio205040110010000.250.200.500.7000.3
- Jim Gallagher196060204153550111111435.
- Eduardo García224000000000000.
- Nick Gillespie22182160320010013.188.235.313.548-0.2
- Roberto Gonzáles224242169234560930001942.266.337.462.79811.0
-#Daniel González231000000000000.
-#Raúl González2040391581629612121061335.
-*Jerome Gordon21350101000200001.0001.0001.0002.0000.0
- Cal Green233392200110002.222.222.556.7780.7
-*Dusty Gustafson21150130100000015.
- Jason Harrell2228120000000000.
- Ron Harvey222273871400172133.368.395.447.8434.1
- David Hill2755192610010021.316.409.368.7781.2
- Jotaro Hirata25480414710180062.171.300.268.568-0.9
- Ken Johnson302483926200020112.
- Rick Johnston2844271139223004121424.
- Chad Ledoux266143140163382414001426.236.303.407.7107.7
-#Raúl León202929683420160107.
- Vicente Lerma167575222102860318011548.
- Javier Lima2554110200000002.
- Francisco López3455172310030033.176.300.235.535-0.1
- Will MacPherson251140200000101.500.500.5001.0000.1
-#Bill Marcotte274000000000000.
-*Ben Márquez2018140200020001.500.500.5001.0000.6
- Claudio Martínez29114175511010001.294.294.471.7650.9
- Mike Maslen196561232175412201564756.233.253.302.5551.2
- Ron Middleton184170200000001.
-*Roosevelt Miller266120000000011.000.333.000.333-0.2
-#Jonah Miner272000000000000.
- José Morales283018361610010113.
- Burt O'Kenny321001000000010.0001.000.0001.0000.2
- Kent O'Quinn217027127727500552522.
-*Gabriel Ortega22292957213200200310.
- Juan Peña316061000000010.
- Damon Phillips233019705194111101713.271.342.400.7423.8
- Marv Pitts238090200000003.
- Jeremy Price19252479617100243518.
-*Juan Ramírez2138025000007500.
- Greg Rasmussen221483315001200410.
- Roland Reed206539150829120734129.
- Michael Rice207000000000000.
- Ken Richards2611480300010000.375.375.375.7500.8
- Wilson Rodríguez1844120100000002.
- Henry Rose237140100010000.
- Pepe Sánchez226654209216083018512440.287.369.354.72311.1
-#George Sharpe2322132210000000.667.6671.0001.6671.0
-*Tom Shields3110101000000001.0001.0001.0002.0000.0
-#Bryce Stanton194847162827100762329.
-*Fu-po Teng1926264621100120017.239.271.304.5752.3
- Andrés Torres1922165949100300113.
- John Turner24180150210000003.
- Jesús Vázquez341130000000001.
- António Ventura20949431534651121436104255.206.312.387.70011.8
-*Carlos Villarreal25127312300000037.
- Carlos Villarreal26100101200130002.200.200.500.7000.3
- Stan Williams1819113611210051104.333.333.361.6941.5
- Dan Wilson2525390100000001.
- Shu-yen Zhu1939391097196041200623.174.216.339.555-2.6
 Team Totals23.818291080401134986314622593377650314766.215.275.307.5811.5
* - bats left-handed, # - switch hits, blank - bats right-handed
Team Pitching Stats
Chris Downey19020.000100012.110113100.734.4
Tadayuki Fujio20000.00050018.017512102.503.0
Eduardo García22020.0004004.2400360.002.1
Daniel González23000.0001001.0000000.000.4
*Jerome Gordon21330.500350547.04315225362.876.0
Cal Green23210.66733022.21620470.797.8
Jason Harrell22150.1672811140.03518613274.05-0.0
Raúl León2013110.54229290206.01826315451312.7529.0
Javier Lima25301.00054031.214416281.1410.0
Bill Marcotte27101.0004037.0621352.571.1
Ben Márquez20201.000181232.03011314303.093.3
Jonah Miner27000.0002003.0200010.001.3
José Morales28680.42930181144.2116367401242.2428.3
*Gabriel Ortega226180.25029290193.11676314601522.9323.2
Michael Rice20000.0007007.0661647.71-2.8
Ken Richards26210.667114339.036856181.859.5
Henry Rose23120.33371021.118726102.952.6
*George Sharpe23101.000221042.23016223433.383.1
Fu-po Teng197150.31826260162.213551963892.8221.6
Dan Wilson25130.250253154.25319710383.135.4
Team Totals22.849710.408301120261090.2920327773327692.70159.4
* - throws left-handed, blank - throws right-handed
Pitcher Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Catcher Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
First Base Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Second Base Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Third Base Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Shortstop Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Left Field Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Center Field Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Right Field Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Team Batting Leaders
Batting AverageJustin Burman.267
On-Base PctJustin Burman.366
Slugging PctJustin Burman.356
OPSJustin Burman.722
VORPJustin Burman12.6
GamesAntónio Ventura94
At-BatsJustin Burman329
RunsJustin Burman38
HitsJustin Burman88
Total BasesAntónio Ventura122
SinglesJustin Burman66
DoublesJustin Burman18
TriplesPepe Sánchez3
Home RunsAntónio Ventura14
RBIsAntónio Ventura36
Stolen BasesRaúl González10
Caught StealingJustin Burman8
WalksJustin Burman48
StrikeoutsJustin Burman61
Team Pitching Leaders
ERAJosé Morales2.24
WinsRaúl León13
LossesGabriel Ortega18
Winning PctRaúl León.542
SavesJason Harrell11
Games PitchedJerome Gordon35
Games StartedRaúl León29
Complete GamesGabriel Ortega6
ShutoutsCal Green1
Innings PitchedRaúl León206.0
Hits AllowedRaúl León182
Home Runs AllowedRaúl León15
StrikeoutsGabriel Ortega152
Walks AllowedFu-po Teng63
Walks per 9 IPRaúl León1.97
Hits per 9 IPJosé Morales7.22
Strikeouts per 9 IPJosé Morales7.71
WHIPJosé Morales1.08
OAVGJosé Morales0.218
OOBPJosé Morales0.276
OSLGJosé Morales0.306
OOPSJosé Morales0.582

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