BNN Index | SCL | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
Montebello Lancers History Team Stats 1972
History Home | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
CAL | CM | EM | FUL | HIA | HOW | LAG | LE | LOB | MNT | OXN | PAS | RIV | SAB | SNT | SMO | SOM | TYL | WHI | WOO
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers | Transaction Log | Injury Log
Record 69-51, .575 - Finish 3rd - Runs Scored 554 - Runs Allowed 447
Team Batting Stats
-*Manuel Acosta172261100010000.
- Armando Águila2337165571600490076.291.365.509.8745.4
- Giobbe Ambrogi23641756204100012.353.3891.1761.5655.7
- Yoshikazu Araki2810101000100001.0001.0001.0002.0000.0
-#Joseph Atkinson262020000000002.
- Alex Austin341717581016123100055.276.344.517.8614.6
- Ricardo Báez273230111173281216212018.288.398.432.8319.4
- Roberto Bonilla354391100010022.
- Charles Border2186232200010023.
-*Jeff Bound301000000000000.
- Carlos Cabrera247001000000000.
- Eric Cameron1733132500000001.385.385.385.7691.0
- Luis Cervantes291010000000000.
- Tony Cervantes292010000000001.
- Derrick Clarke243232200000010.667.750.6671.4170.9
- Benoît Coderre2518010000000010.000.500.000.5000.1
- David Craig195555214376380629412839.294.377.416.79315.7
- Todd Dixon22149202520050012.250.273.350.6231.3
- Claudio Domínguez351151100000000.
- Francisco Estrada30121120300010023.250.357.250.607-0.1
- Rich Field295854191314362225215041.225.378.309.6877.0
- Mario Flores311130100000000.333.333.333.6670.0
- Tim Frank33231455615313600109.273.379.527.9064.3
- Carlos García221000000000000.
- Manuel García2518060200020003.333.333.333.6670.5
- Chris Gaskill281000000000000.
- Carlos González2377171200010001.
- Fontana Grieco2721186710254121313148.373.482.5521.0349.9
-*José Guerrero2147461702150150013111729.294.356.382.7389.0
-*Mark Hall2016020000000002.
-#Gordon Harder294021000000001.
-*Paul Harrell22310245400023051.167.310.167.477-0.2
- Allen Harris2023236036100100217.
- Jarred Henry2519250300000000.600.600.6001.2001.2
- Chris Hill251140000010001.
- Kyle Hill31432599142831618221617.283.392.515.90710.7
- Paul Hunt2032490000010005.
- David Jacobs2224124261030260147.238.304.452.7571.9
- Brad Jenkins341010000000000.
- Manny Jiménez312318657176025001010.262.360.446.8064.4
- Theodore Jones2560303100200201.0001.0001.3332.3330.0
- Chae-seong Kim345051200010010.400.500.400.9000.7
- Andrew Lawrence261000000000000.
- Dan Lewis242020000000000.
- Lian-wei Liu29243283920020103.321.345.393.7381.2
- Fernando López17232379416120711014.
-*Ramón López2122228216346151600187.415.520.6951.21520.1
-*Anastasio Márquez2699153610380142.400.5261.0671.5936.2
- Ramón Martínez1741411591946521900620.289.313.365.6785.2
- Ricardo Martínez2765215710250004.333.333.6671.0002.8
- Ángel Mata288010000000000.
- John McMuckin321001000000010.0001.000.0001.0000.2
-*Elvis Meyer1811111139345831461291173168.
-*David Miller30178283702150065.250.361.500.8612.9
- Stephen Miller234535139153773317001322.266.338.424.7628.6
-#Alfredo Mondoza211212301710010015.
- Aaron Moran316002000002000.
- Matt Morehouse214010000000001.
-#Yoshihito Morita318001000001100.
-*Rick Morris338050000000031.000.375.000.375-0.6
- Ernesto Muñóz291000000000010.0001.000.0001.0000.2
-*Manuel Muñóz19282880611100200126.
- Vincente Nieves202121801227231971717.338.393.475.8689.4
- Scott Norris291010000000000.
- Miguel Núñez326161310040000.500.500.6671.1671.4
-*Carl O'Brian2360107681900311111113.250.352.368.7211.3
- Luis Olivarez3352110400000011.364.417.364.7800.9
- José Ortíz343010000000000.
- Kelly Payne3240311231737616262297.301.341.512.85310.8
- Arturo Pérez3411222000000201.0001.0001.0002.0000.0
- Jeremy Price2388723054580742271553046.262.327.331.6596.2
- Kelly Robertson315010000000011.000.500.000.5000.0
- José Rocha2198203410120012.200.238.400.6381.3
-#Yoshimasa Sasaki23530546130141300011.241.232.500.7321.3
- William Short351120000000010.000.333.000.333-0.2
- Arnie Simmons19201643713201601210.302.333.419.7523.2
- Dan Starr20979731243761521557213156.244.310.449.75913.2
- Masuhiro Sugano304838150244763528211931.313.408.493.90116.4
- Narihari Tanaka272130000000010.
-#Frazer Thistleton351010000000000.
- Bryan Thompson242000000000000.
- Mark Tolbert282010000000000.
- Mike Veeck3387254701150024.280.333.480.8132.2
-*Roger West2815000000000000.
- Vince Wiggins2299933655612120313621473158.332.385.510.89536.7
- Robbie Williams2720192310030031.333.462.444.9061.4
- Ambrose Young23479386910030044.237.302.263.5650.1
 Team Totals26.31662108040745541093164421045387340442676.268.340.406.746208.5
* - bats left-handed, # - switch hits, blank - bats right-handed
Team Pitching Stats
Derrick Clarke24101.00032011.07213111.643.2
Benoît Coderre25201.000180028.12112210153.811.9
*Todd Dixon22260.250149069.08330231423.914.0
Manuel García25210.667180125.2238214192.814.6
Chris Gaskill28000.0001001.2100030.000.8
Carlos González23430.57177060.25314418442.0815.0
*Mark Hall20120.333160419.016739213.322.3
Allen Harris201260.66723230183.01696016461302.9528.3
Jarred Henry25120.333192133.23425616346.68-7.9
Paul Hunt204140.2223241148.16440836117.45-15.1
*Anastasio Márquez26410.80099078.06019514762.1918.1
Alfredo Mondoza21730.7001212091.17118221771.7726.0
Manuel Muñóz1913100.56528280214.22198412751043.5220.6
José Rocha21610.85798062.25116417162.3014.0
Arnie Simmons191020.83320160128.112350836503.5112.5
*Roger West28000.000150116.112519162.762.9
Team Totals22.969510.575244120181071.21007390763556693.28131.1
* - throws left-handed, blank - throws right-handed
Pitcher Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Catcher Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
First Base Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Second Base Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Third Base Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Shortstop Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Left Field Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Center Field Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Right Field Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Team Batting Leaders
Batting AverageVince Wiggins.332
On-Base PctVince Wiggins.385
Slugging PctVince Wiggins.510
OPSVince Wiggins.895
VORPVince Wiggins36.7
GamesElvis Meyer111
At-BatsElvis Meyer393
RunsVince Wiggins56
HitsVince Wiggins121
Total BasesVince Wiggins186
SinglesVince Wiggins85
DoublesVince Wiggins20
TriplesElvis Meyer6
Home RunsDan Starr15
RBIsVince Wiggins62
Stolen BasesJeremy Price15
Caught StealingElvis Meyer7
WalksRich Field50
StrikeoutsElvis Meyer68
Team Pitching Leaders
ERAAllen Harris2.95
WinsManuel Muñóz13
LossesPaul Hunt14
Winning PctArnie Simmons.833
SavesPaul Hunt11
Games PitchedPaul Hunt32
Games StartedManuel Muñóz28
Complete GamesManuel Muñóz16
ShutoutsManuel Muñóz2
Innings PitchedManuel Muñóz214.2
Hits AllowedManuel Muñóz219
Home Runs AllowedAllen Harris16
StrikeoutsAllen Harris130
Walks AllowedManuel Muñóz75
Walks per 9 IPAllen Harris2.26
Hits per 9 IPAllen Harris8.31
Strikeouts per 9 IPAllen Harris6.39
WHIPAllen Harris1.17
OAVGAllen Harris0.245
OOBPAllen Harris0.296
OSLGArnie Simmons0.362
OOPSAllen Harris0.660

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