BNN Index | STL | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
Galveston Pirates History Team Stats 1956
History Home | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
ALI | ANA | AUS | BEE | BRW | CC | EP | EDN | FRA | FRE | GAL | GRE | HAR | KIN | LAR | MCA | LOU | SA | TUL | VIC
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers | Transaction Log | Injury Log
Record 62-58, .517 - Finish 3rd - Runs Scored 561 - Runs Allowed 563
Team Batting Stats
-*Don Allen21626223729661421136002235.278.338.494.83214.9
- António Andrade2813065200001031.333.556.333.8891.1
- Henry Bailey31203140000000032.
- Victor Baker24442178917321400118.218.311.346.657-1.0
- Marc Barnes233371100000001.
- Ray Brennan2319010000000010.000.500.000.5000.1
- Renaud Brisebois3324144211111051211150.262.450.6431.0937.3
-*Robert Brown263203051200390012.400.406.7001.1065.7
-*Chin-yeol Chang243000000000000.
-*Rafael Chávez2310692361451121111348814328.310.385.427.81125.5
-*Bill Cox324923111203483525201812.306.403.568.97114.4
- Will Davis231130100000010.333.500.333.8330.3
- Pedro De La Cruz238041100000001.
-*Sherman Dillard26120110210011014.
- Diego Farías2771662503162122222102627.248.318.336.6543.4
- Tomás Flores232010000000000.
- Tracy Fowler3410910838943841521050004272.216.297.342.639-5.3
- Orlando Franco2831228219285071722914.341.398.6591.05612.5
- Edgardo Galindo23100100406621281971268914238.315.381.485.86637.7
- Jorge González2837040100000001.
- Russ Green201140100000001.
- Brian Harrell228280289357491323222744.256.325.325.650-1.5
-*Freddy Ibarra26151166810270022.500.556.9381.4936.0
- Andrew Jackson23134141610020011.429.467.500.9672.0
- Richard Jackson2233120300000020.250.357.250.607-0.2
- Julián Jiménez274051100130000.200.200.8001.0000.4
- Morton Jones23164130100000026.
- Art Lambert2199151200020001.
- Dale Lannigan221010221210000002.
- Carlos López27108335810290088.242.390.455.8451.3
- Gabriel López242924542720010017.
- Manuel López241111281600020014.
- Patrick Lowery295000000000000.
- Andy MacKey301010000000000.
- Robinson Mendoza3499220200000020.
-#William Moore286170000000020.
-*Raúl Nájera2936104251220140081.286.400.405.8052.3
- Jerome Newell231312333820060016.242.265.303.5681.6
- Ramiro Ortíz26144182830030011.444.474.6111.0853.4
-*José Pérez261414274500010032.
- Kyle Petty241161164176012313111475775139.295.369.480.84927.6
-*Agellid Ridha265042200000020.500.667.5001.1671.2
- Tomas Rocheleau216664208184151216332737.
- Juan Rodríguez25491897232341320202311.237.377.392.7694.7
-*Tony Rosas2220101000000001.0001.0001.0002.0000.0
-*José Soto2430957817312111139.298.328.491.8193.1
- Glenn Sutton291131100000000.333.333.333.6670.2
- Álex Tapia235590300020010.333.400.333.7330.7
- Ralph Todd26125130200000012.
- Francisco Torres22999939477102147104817104958.259.339.406.7458.5
-*Damien Tunnicliffe213322761019204700413.250.296.434.7311.4
- Tony Varela275010000000000.
-*Steve Wagner295592101000003.111.111.333.4440.2
-*David Ward2744121100000000.
-*Wes Wilkerson243903041040061084.333.450.467.9174.2
- Bi-jun Yep32376295700150093.241.425.345.7701.4
-*Won-joon Yi223340100000010.250.400.250.6500.3
 Team Totals25.51558107740565591070156521045455828478511.264.341.405.746169.6
* - bats left-handed, # - switch hits, blank - bats right-handed
Team Pitching Stats
Marc Barnes23101.00033022.016928143.682.8
Ray Brennan23310.750190922.18428161.618.2
Chin-yeol Chang24000.0003003.0211113.000.6
Will Davis23101.0001109.0300410.005.0
Pedro De La Cruz23101.00080116.01884994.500.5
Jorge González28320.6003701156.15523618173.677.2
Russ Green20101.0001109.0840874.000.8
Art Lambert21440.50099055.27434626225.50-4.8
Dale Lannigan22360.3331010060.06935542305.25-3.6
Gabriel López2415110.57729241170.2174811366664.279.5
Manuel López24530.6251111084.28130538293.1915.5
Patrick Lowery29010.0005034.2311231.931.6
Robinson Mendoza34340.42999065.26528822293.846.9
*Jerome Newell23560.4551312093.19149748374.730.3
*José Pérez26470.36414140100.196421057533.7711.6
Glenn Sutton29000.0001108.1621142.162.5
Álex Tapia23310.75055029.12711216123.384.7
Ralph Todd26120.333125140.24113210232.889.0
Tony Varela27000.0004006.1341645.68-0.7
*Steve Wagner29030.00055026.24028116139.45-14.6
*David Ward27301.00044032.03411510293.096.5
Won-joon Yi22120.33333015.2231034115.74-1.8
Team Totals25.057530.51820611726931.2937428854204304.1367.5
* - throws left-handed, blank - throws right-handed
Pitcher Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Catcher Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
First Base Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Second Base Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Third Base Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Shortstop Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Left Field Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Center Field Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Right Field Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Team Batting Leaders
Batting AverageEdgardo Galindo.315
On-Base PctRafael Chávez.385
Slugging PctEdgardo Galindo.485
OPSEdgardo Galindo.866
VORPEdgardo Galindo37.7
GamesKyle Petty116
At-BatsKyle Petty417
RunsFrancisco Torres77
HitsEdgardo Galindo128
Total BasesKyle Petty200
SinglesEdgardo Galindo90
DoublesEdgardo Galindo19
TriplesRafael Chávez11
Home RunsKyle Petty14
RBIsKyle Petty75
Stolen BasesFrancisco Torres17
Caught StealingFrancisco Torres10
WalksKyle Petty51
StrikeoutsTracy Fowler72
Team Pitching Leaders
ERAGabriel López4.27
WinsGabriel López15
LossesGabriel López11
Winning PctGabriel López.577
SavesJorge González11
Games PitchedJorge González37
Games StartedGabriel López24
Complete GamesManuel López5
ShutoutsRobinson Mendoza2
Innings PitchedGabriel López170.2
Hits AllowedGabriel López174
Home Runs AllowedGabriel López13
StrikeoutsGabriel López66
Walks AllowedGabriel López66
Walks per 9 IPGabriel López3.48
Hits per 9 IPGabriel López9.18
Strikeouts per 9 IPGabriel López3.48
WHIPGabriel López1.41
OAVGGabriel López0.265
OOBPGabriel López0.334
OSLGGabriel López0.386
OOPSGabriel López0.719

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