BNN Index | STL | Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | Transactions | History
Freeport Hurricanes History Team Stats 1961
History Home | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
ALI | ANA | AUS | BEE | BRW | CC | EP | EDN | FRA | FRE | GAL | GRE | HAR | KIN | LAR | MCA | LOU | SA | TUL | VIC
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers | Transaction Log | Injury Log
Record 59-61, .492 - Finish 5th - Runs Scored 457 - Runs Allowed 497
Team Batting Stats
-*Oscar Allen224470110000002.
- Júlio Alomar251313282510020003.
-*Pedro Avalos2023020000000002.
- Ramón Barrón231130000010001.
- Bob Bell24280141300001101.
-*Douglas Bowen222020000000000.
-#Mark Burton332010000000000.
-#Mike Carney23201758516224120055.276.328.586.9145.8
- Rod Chandler21392171715200100121.
- Dan Dailey2319196011610030126.
- Donald Daniels277051000010000.
- Claudio Domínguez247367274387592736032616.274.343.398.7418.8
-#Ray Edwards293010000000000.
- Scott Francis2651150100000000.
- Héctor Francisco27816924226551001340012850.227.308.430.7374.5
- Víctor Franco26903819732601211149002319.305.371.543.91418.9
-#Pat Gallagher213000000000000.
- Gabriel García321150310040000.600.600.8001.4001.7
- Eugene Gould311919283610000044.214.313.250.5631.5
-*Ken Grady251000000000000.
- Brad Green271212444931011174.205.327.318.645-1.4
- Cris Guerra3410000000000000.
-*Bob Hale257260238236860732002631.286.353.399.75310.8
- Troy Hartsell2588305711000054.233.343.333.676-0.0
-#Jim Henry283010000010000.
- Alejandro Hernández2816163804200100012.
- Juan Hernández243195581420150037.255.293.345.639-0.8
- Júlio Hernández2617174141230040024.293.326.366.6913.1
-*Bruce Hoover198010000000000.
-*John Horton195000000000000.
-#John Ivey261130100010010.333.500.333.8330.3
- Gary Johnson266360000010002.
- Rudy Johnson2531041100000000.
- Dan Johnston331010000000000.
- Nelson Juárez258052100002100.
- Chua-kah Kun3011104241241020144.286.348.429.7761.8
-*Skip Lane242019719202021500107.282.378.394.7723.3
- Mac Lang303723847171026001618.202.327.286.612-0.6
-*Cameron Lapthorne252000000000000.
- Lou Little281513271400000004.
- Will Little2681793055589120726614836.292.392.400.79217.9
- Francisco López2655162311010012.188.235.375.610-0.4
- Francisco López2758552001954121218601038.270.310.370.6803.5
- Vittorio Lucciardi261311263600010016.
- Victor McMillan2676232610111041.261.370.435.8051.5
-*José Medina29272610116365111100108.356.411.455.8668.3
-#Juan Morales279240100000010.250.400.250.6500.3
- Ricardo Muńóz2311000000000000.
- Chris Murphy2311011043145115153229273355.267.324.329.654-9.0
- Ray Murray315418747165021100411.216.256.365.621-2.6
- Larry Myers30123110200000011.
- Ramón Najcrea28272694142750111001410.287.393.372.7655.1
- Adrián Ortegón272474351431130018.326.341.512.8533.6
- Wilson Ortíz29776625127671201042004050.267.366.434.80014.1
- Kelly Payne211140210000000.500.500.7501.2501.0
- Francisco Pérez25568704170025001013.243.341.329.670-0.1
- Ramón Pérez285330109819223630414.174.204.312.515-5.8
- Artie Perkins201111351700020018.
-#José Ramos246759240246720728311433.279.322.375.6974.5
- Ken Richards192220000000000.
-*Ken Robinson321140000000001.
-*Steve Rogers281142210130000.500.5001.5002.0002.1
-#Rob Smith311616312300030036.
- Barry Snyder252270200000010.286.375.286.661-0.3
- Pablo Valdés273151100000010.200.333.200.533-0.3
- Gilberto Vega271131000000022.000.400.000.400-0.2
-*Louis Wade2035170100000003.
- Jimmy Webb251130200000000.667.667.6671.3331.0
- Marvin Willard33363111712185007002417.
- Will Williams2877262820010005.308.308.385.6920.4
- Jeff Womack244727116152670717002124.224.343.466.8095.2
 Team Totals26.0164910754056451103715517944442518412579.256.326.372.69884.1
* - bats left-handed, # - switch hits, blank - bats right-handed
Team Pitching Stats
*Oscar Allen22010.00044021.1211059174.221.8
*Júlio Alomar25650.5451313081.181401137544.434.9
*Pedro Avalos20230.4002301422.22212512184.760.6
Scott Francis26310.750511285.27827651702.8419.6
Pat Gallagher21000.0003014.1210152.081.3
*Eugene Gould31290.18219190104.2110451723853.8712.3
Ken Grady25000.0001000.1000010.000.2
Cris Guerra34000.000100313.1721571.355.0
Alejandro Hernández28780.4671616099.29848550734.336.3
Júlio Hernández26880.50017170127.1115401218842.8329.2
Bruce Hoover19101.00080112.14116150.735.6
*John Horton19000.0005015.0111221.801.7
Gary Johnson26110.50063025.1198214202.845.5
Rudy Johnson25530.625310244.03713416202.6610.9
Cameron Lapthorne25020.0002002.14403115.43-2.6
Lou Little28350.3751513186.181431141744.484.1
Vittorio Lucciardi26620.7501311082.277271123382.9418.0
Juan Morales27210.66792025.028708152.526.3
Ricardo Muńóz23120.333110016.02192975.06-0.3
Ken Richards19020.0002209.2181116310.24-5.3
Rob Smith311030.7691616098.279301133852.7422.7
*Louis Wade20120.333351940.25326229235.75-3.2
Team Totals24.858580.500310118341008.29564051083967173.61144.4
* - throws left-handed, blank - throws right-handed
Pitcher Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Catcher Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
First Base Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Second Base Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Third Base Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Shortstop Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Left Field Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Center Field Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Right Field Fielding Stats
Team Totals0.0000000.000 
Last 2 columns are Fielding Percentage and Range Factor (except Catcher where last column is Runners Thrown Out Percentage)
Team Batting Leaders
Batting AverageChris Murphy.267
On-Base PctChris Murphy.324
Slugging PctChris Murphy.329
OPSChris Murphy.654
VORPVíctor Franco18.9
GamesChris Murphy110
At-BatsChris Murphy431
RunsWill Little55
HitsChris Murphy115
Total BasesChris Murphy142
SinglesChris Murphy95
DoublesChris Murphy15
TriplesChris Murphy3
Home RunsHéctor Francisco13
RBIsVíctor Franco49
Stolen BasesWill Little6
Caught StealingChris Murphy7
WalksWill Little48
StrikeoutsChris Murphy55
Team Pitching Leaders
ERAJúlio Hernández2.83
WinsRob Smith10
LossesEugene Gould9
Winning PctJúlio Hernández.500
SavesPedro Avalos14
Games PitchedScott Francis51
Games StartedEugene Gould19
Complete GamesJúlio Hernández5
ShutoutsJúlio Hernández1
Innings PitchedJúlio Hernández127.1
Hits AllowedJúlio Hernández115
Home Runs AllowedEugene Gould17
StrikeoutsEugene Gould85
Walks AllowedScott Francis51
Walks per 9 IPJúlio Hernández1.27
Hits per 9 IPJúlio Hernández8.13
Strikeouts per 9 IPJúlio Hernández5.94
WHIPJúlio Hernández1.04
OAVGJúlio Hernández0.240
OOBPJúlio Hernández0.272
OSLGJúlio Hernández0.373
OOPSJúlio Hernández0.645

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