Reviews OOTP Baseball 11
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Out of the Park Baseball 11
World Series 50% Off Special - Save $20!

Will Cliff Lee and the Rangers capture their first World Series? Or will Tim Lincecum and crew bring the San Francisco Giants their first championship since Willie Mays' amazing catch against the Cleveland Indians in 1954, when the team was still in New York? For fans of the other 28 MLB teams, it's "wait until next year."

Of course, instead of waiting, you could be building your own baseball dynasty with OOTP 11. And from today through the end of next Wednesday (November 3rd), you can buy OOTP 11 at HALF off the regular price, or just $19.99!

You can buy OOTP from our web stores and then download, or you can download first and purchase from directly inside the game. Either way, you'll be playing the hottest baseball simulation on the market in less time than it would take you to go to your local game store!

OOTP 11.2.28 Update Released

Well, we lied. The last time we sent a newsletter, we said that 11.2.23 would be the last update for OOTP 11. But, we just can't seem to stop adding things to our games, which is why we continue to release updates throughout the baseball season. We have just released version 11.2.28, which includes the ability to post updates from OOTP directly to your Facebook or Twitter accounts and fixes a number of reported bugs! You can see the detailed list of changes and download the update from our updates page.

Enjoy the final week of the 2010 baseball season!
The OOTP Developments Team

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