OOTP 10 pre-order period to end! Last chance to save $10!

Dear OOTP Fan,

Wednesday, May 27th will be the last day of the pre-order period for OOTP 10, the latest version of the best baseball simulation game of the planet! This is your last chance to pre-order OOTP 10 for $29.99 and safe $10 off the final release price. On top of that, pre-order customers will also be able to download the game two days prior the official launch date.
OOTP 10 is scheduled to be released during the first week of June!

Out of the Park Baseball 10 will be the best OOTP ever released, introducing many new features and greatly improving the core engine to create the most realistic, fun, and challenging baseball simulation game ever made!
New features include:
2009 Major League Rosters - The game will ship with the best Major League roster set we have ever produced, with thousands of real players, down to the lower minor leagues, with accurate individual ratings.
Improved and Recoded AI - We have recoded certain aspects of OOTP's artificial intelligence, creating what we believe is the most challenging OOTP computer opponent to date.
Enhanced Play-By-Play - We are very proud of our play-by-play, and this year it is even better than before. New plays have been added, along with more variety and thousands of new lines of play description!
Redesigned Pitching System - We have recoded the entire pitching rating system. We have added individual pitch ratings, reworkedhe endurance/role system, and adjusted the impact of velocity and groundball percentage in the game engine. Will your veteran ace keep his blazing fastball for another year? Will the youngster develop that promising changeup and become a dominating starter? This new system will change the way you play OOTP!
Customizable In-Game Screen - A new in-game screen will feature 'widgets' which can be activated and freely moved around on the screen, enabling users to adjust the available information to suit their preferences and screen resolution!
Improved Injury System - The injury system is a very important aspect of a realistic simulation engine. This year we have improved the model used in OOTP in order to recreate more realistic injury frequencies and durations. Players can also suffer setbacks during their recovery.
Inaugural Draft With Budgets - Users can now set team budgets before an inaugural draft takes place, based on balanced budgets, individually set budgets, or based on city population. In this mode, players have contract demands which combined must not exceed your draft budget, and the manager has to keep an eye on the budget when making his picks. The old mode without budgets is still available as well, of course!
Minor League Disabled Lists - Each minor league team now has its own disabled list, resulting in better minor league team management.
Improved Arbitration & Free Agent Compensation - Salary arbitration and free agent draft pick compensation have been adjusted to be much closer to the "real world." Players have salary demands, and teams can choose to offer arbitration or not, enabling the player to become a free agent. If the team submits an offer, an arbitrator will rule in favor of either the team or the player. On top of that, players eligible for free agency now must be offered arbitration as well, if the team wants to receive compensation when the player signs with a different team. Draft pick compensation also now follows the Major League rules, with supplemental draft rounds added to the first-year player draft as necessary.
Optional Reserve Roster Limit - In leagues without minor leagues we have added the option to put a limit on the size of the reserve roster.
More News Stories - We have added more news stories (for example Manager of the Year Award) and improved existing ones.
E-mail Support in Online Leagues - In online leagues we have added the ability for the commish to send e-mails to all league members. Also, once a simulation is done and a new league file is made available, the game automatically sends an e-mail to human GMs, containing the most interesting results for the team during the simulation, including scores, player stats, and more.
Improved Historical Simulation - Improvements to historical simulations this year include reworking the system for calculating historical fielding ratings, the addition of a recalculation period for pitcher endurance, and the addition of new totals modifiers. The accuracy of the first season in any historical leauges was also improvement, making single-season replays more realistic. Historical leagues have never been as realistic as they are in OOTP 10!
Ratings Editor - Another popular feature request was added into OOTP 10: Enter stats and translate them into ratings within the player editor!
Team Leaderboards in History - Team leaderboards are now part of the history feature in OOTP. For example, check which teams have scored the most runs in a full season, or which gave up the most walks.
New Skin, improved Report Layout and Fictional Logos - We have improved the look of the game and the HTML reports. Also, teams have better looking fictional logos using the new logo template feature, which improves immersion.
Game and Report Creation Speed - We have performed additional performance tuning, resulting in greatly improved overall game speed, especially in the area of HTML report creation.
Much More - Of course, OOTP is nothing if not flexible, and OOTP 10 continues to provide a wide variety of additional options and features that make it the most customizable baseball simulation experience on the market today. We have fine-tuned many aspects of the game to give you better usability, simulation speed, more options, more realistic stat output and most importantly, more fun!

OOTP 10 is scheduled for release during the first week of June.
Thanks very much for reading our newsletter!

The OOTP Developments Team

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