World Series Special
OOTP 15 is Just $19.99 - iOOTP 2014 is 99 Cents!
IGN said OOTP 15 "stands proud in its spirit and in its dedication to the national pastime" in a review that gave the game an 8.5/10 score. We've been reading reviews like that all summer and into the fall, so we'd like to celebrate another great year with the grand slam of baseball sims by offering an amazing deal during the World Series:
OOTP 15 is $19.99 (50% off!)
OOTP 15 Download Links:
Ready to experience OOTP 15's seven new international leagues, 2014 Opening Day major league roster set, support for 3D ballparks and 3D in-game ball flight, revamped interface, and much more?
There's no better time than now to dive into both games, as the Kansas City Royals and San Francisco Giants begin a World Series that will cap what has been a thrilling postseason.
Download iOOTP 2014 for just 99 Cents
iOOTP 2014, the best mobile baseball game for Apple iOS devices, is a mere 99 cents (80% off)! iOOTP's seasons are on sale too: The 10-season bundles are just $1.99 and the all-in-one bundle is $14.99, a steal for decades of baseball history, including the ability to draft real players when they actually showed up.
Want to use iOOTP's new Player Editor to create your perfect player? iOOTP also features 2014 Opening Day rosters, a redesigned interface, improved AI, and even more.
Our World Series Pick
Who are you rooting for the in the World Series? We used OOTP 15 to sim the series five times and we're calling it for … Well, this one could actually be too close to call, based on the results we saw: Four of the sims went seven games and the fifth lasted six. Of the 34 games across five sims, 21 were decided by two runs or fewer.
We recently launched a new blog, and there you'll find a rundown of those five sims, complete with a Google Doc link that contains tons of stats. You'll also discover which team we think will prevail in real life.
David Goldfarb: Loving 'What Could Have Been' With OOTP
Game designer David Goldfarb's credits include Payday 2, Mirror's Edge, Battlefield 3, and many other titles. When he wants to unwind, though, he enjoys playing Out of the Park Baseball. "I really love the idea that OOTP lets you see 'what could have been,'" he says. "Watching if history will repeat itself or diverge."
Read our latest profile to find out the players whose careers he most enjoys replaying.
Say 'Hi' to New Team Member Matt Arnold
New OOTP programmer Matt Arnold, this is everyone. Everyone, meet Matt: He's a programmer who lives in Toronto and is spending a few months in Hamburg with Markus, learning the ins and outs of OOTP as he works on next year's version.
Check out our Q&A with Matt to learn more about him.
PEBA Book Sequel Available Now
The Planetary Extreme Baseball Alliance (PEBA) is one of the richest online leagues in the OOTP multi-verse. It offers not only a lengthy history and an intriguing creation story, as recounted in an article on our site, but it's also home to all kinds of unique storytelling.
One of those tales takes the form of a novel by award-winning author Ron Collins, who we interviewed for another article when his book "See the PEBA on $25 a Day" debuted. Now he's penned a sequel, "Chasing the Setting Sun," and we're thrilled to let you know that it's available via his web site. Be sure to check out his other work while you're there.
The OOTP Developments Team

Purchase OOTP 15 for PC & Mac
Purchase OOTP 15 for Linux

Purchase FHM 2014