OOTP 11: The Grand Slam of Baseball Simulation Games! Preorder now for just $24.99!
Spring Training is just around the corner, and what would a new baseball season be without a new iteration of the best baseball management simulation on the market? Out of the Park Baseball 11 will be released in April 2010, and is now available for preorder!! Better still, this year, we're offering an extra-special discount! From now through the end of Sunday, you can purchase OOTP 11 for just $24.99, $15 off the list price! That's just three days at nearly 40% off! Preorder customers will also receive the game two days before the public release of the game.
- From now through Feb. 21st: $24.99
- From Feb. 22nd until the day before release: $29.99
- From game release on: $39.99
OOTP 11 New Features and Improvements
The OOTP series wins major awards every year, including Operation Sports' "Text Sim of the Year" for 2009, and OOTP 11 will be even better! As we do every year, we have improved on the core game and added a range of new features that will knock your socks off! Here are some of the highlights!
We've added some new screens and redesigned the user interface this year, making the game more accessible and more fun to use! Some of the more important UI improvements include:
- The ability to mass-select players, making it easy to perform mass transactions like demoting several players simultaneously
- An improved League Standings screen, introducing three additional views (expanded view, view by sub-league, and wild-card view) and clinch indicators
- A completely redesigned Manager Home screen, with a dynamic season timeline, that acts as a portal to your most critical management tasks
- An improved Simulation screen, that shows standings, league leaders, and league news while you sim
- A Team Stats screen that shows team statistics and rankings, as well as team records by various splits (record vs RHP, home/away records, etc.)
- A new Manager Notes section, featuring editable text notes and custom reminders
- A Player Comparison screen, in which you can compare two players side-by-side
- More customizable news subscriptions, so you can get just the news you want in your inbox
- A new record book feature introducing single-game records broken up by game type ("Who hit the most doubles in an extra-inning playoff game in your league?")
- The game ships with three different skins
Why pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for "season disks" when you can get a better historical replay experience for just $24.99?
OOTP's historical simulation capabilities continue to grow in leaps and bounds, and this year we've added a new historical replay mode that automatically optimizes player ratings and league rules for single-season replays, resulting in incredible statistical accuracy! For the price of less than one season disk, you get access to ALL historical seasons from 1871 through 2009!
These other new features help make OOTP the most realistic and enjoyable historical play experience ever:
- Improved historical career simulation, including recoded part-time player rating routines, new fielding ratings calculator, and more!
- A handy comparison tab, where you can compare your simulated results with the actual real-world results from that season
The game will ship with the best roster set we have ever produced, with thousands of individually rated real players, updated statistics, and realistic contract data! All of last year's top draft picks will be in the game as well. So, want to take Stephen Strasburg and see if you can get the Nationals to the playoffs? Have at it!
We continue to enhance play-by-play AI and our core game engine! This year, we brought back an old favorite feature, and added some more to boot!
- In-game control over base runners; will you try to have your runner score from first on a double in the gap?
- Recoded fielding engine, making defense more realistic while introducing new fielding stats like Zone Rating, Individual Fielding Efficiency, and Team Defense Efficiency.
- More advanced statistics like wOBA (weighted on-base average), OPS+, ERA+ and FIP (fielding independent pitching)
- Hundreds of new lines of play-by-play text, for more variety in your games
OOTP 11 offers some huge improvements in the amateur draft and player development!
- A totally re-coded amateur draft with optional signing bonuses, player demands, a slotting system, post-draft contract & bonus negotiations, and compensation picks for unsigned picks (who will re-enter the draft a year later). Also, when feeder leagues are used, undrafted/unsigned high school players may go to college and continue playing!
- Re-coded player creation engine that now supports two-way players. Draft-eligible players are also now created with higher overall ratings, resulting in realistic simulation results even at the lowest minor league levels
- Automatically generated high school/college stats, helping you to evaluate potential picks in the amateur draft.
- Re-coded layer development system, resulting in even more realistic career curves, and also supporting two-way players and pitcher batting (pitchers no longer start out with fully developed hitting ratings)
Of course, there are plenty of other features to consider, too! Check out some of these neat additions:
- Team owners with distinct personalities, providing constant feedback about your performance
- Dynamically evolving fictional leagues, an optional mode that breathes life into your league - imagine the league automatically introducing rule changes or league expansion randomly in a realistic fashion!
- Improved immersion factor, including better modeled player personalities and a brand new "storyline engine" - imagine unfolding stories which can influence your players in a variety of ways and which drawn you further into your virtual baseball universe! The stories are completely customizable via XML.
- Improved contract negotiations, including counter-offers from players.
- More varied news stories
- Create and print baseball cards of your favorite players on customizable templates, including historical player cards
- Import Facegen files from Facegen Modeler, allowing you to put your own face into the game!
- Game licenses can now be transferred between Windows and Mac machines with no additional purchase required
So what are you waiting for? Preorder now!
Preordering is available for the PC and Mac via our eSellerate web store, and for Linux via our in-house digital distribution
Click on the button matching your operating system:
Windows |
Mac |
Linux |
XP/Vista/Windows 7
1024x768 display
1GHz processor
256 MB RAM
PowerPC G4 1GHz
min. Mac OS 10.3.9
Mac Pro/MacBook:
Intel Core Duo 1.8Ghz
min. Mac OS 10.4.4
Any 32-bit Linux
1024x768 display
1GHz processor
256 MB RAM
We look forward to sharing OOTP 11 with you all!
The OOTP Developments Team
